The first grade has been studying culture. Students have been discussing cultural similarities and differences. And the students are being encouraged to share information about their families' cultures. Tonight at the dinner table Lacey asked, "Mommy, were your parents born in the United States?" We were impressed with the question. First of all, she has learned one aspect of our culture - polite dinner conversation. But, we were also impressed that she is beginning to understand that families have histories. We answered her questions about our families' backgrounds. We listened to her definition of culture: music, clothing, language and food. She was really demonstrating a wonderful understanding of culture.
Next, we asked the tough question - had she volunteered any information about Chinese culture? Despite our efforts, Lacey has not shown much interest in Chinese culture. Her knowledge of China was limited and she has yet to really appreciate her heritage. We keep trying and hope that she will be interested as she grows. Therefore, we were pleasantly surprised when Lacey smiled and said that she had told the class all about Chinese people.
"What did you say?" we prompted.
"Chinese people speak Chinese. They eat rice all the time. And, they keep their shoes on until they go to bed." she explained. The last was a reference to our habit of removing shoes when we enter the house.
"Great!" we all praised her.
Later, Lacey and I were quietly folding laundry. "Mommy," she volunteered. "I learned something else about culture!"
"Really?" I replied. "What did you learn?"
"Now I know how boys pee!!" she trilled. "They have a tiny thing and they pee standing up!"